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The Hobby
There are so many different things to collect. And you can find millions of collectors out there collecting things you would never think of. I collect almost everything, from dolls, fast food toys, stamps, coins, key chains to elongated coins. But collecting elongated coins is my favorite hobby because it provides so much fun, new learning, and doesn't cost much. I believe this hobby started back in 1892/1893 in Chicago, Illinois at the World's Columbian Exposition.
So, what is an elongated coin? An elongated coin is a coin that runs through a hand-cranked or electric machine and comes out flat with an imprinted image on it. The image could be a logo of a place, words about an event, animals, people or landmarks. The images on coins are usually related to the theme of the place. And every image is very unique and interesting.
Many people have asked me this question, "Are you sure that is legal to smash a US coin?". Actually, I have no idea. But based on other "senior" collectors out there, I believe it is. Here is a piece of the law:
The United States Codes
Title 18, Chapter 17, and Section 331
"... prohibits the mutilation, diminution and falsification of United States coinage."
But, the law "does not prohibit the mutiliation of coins if done without fraudulent intent or if the mutilated coins are not used fraudulently," said Willy Massey (former TEC President). Therefore, you don't have to worry when you want to try out this hobby. But, I heard it is illegal to smash Canadian pennies. So, do not try to smash anything over there if you don't want to get in trouble. In fact, Brad Ream, another collector, just told me that "it is actually illegal to roll any coin with the queen of England on it. This is considered defacing the picture of the queen and against the law, and the US has agreed to help enforce this law."
EC Terms
A mule in elongated coins is a two sided coin - one that has an impression made on both sides of the coin as it is run through the machine.
A generic is an elongated coin with no location information.
EC rarities: The price ranges are absolutely pre-ebay and should only be used for comparison purposes. R7 is the rarest than.
R1: .50 - $3
R2: $3.01 - $6
R3: $6.01 - $12.00
R4: $12.01 - $20.00
R5: $20.01 - $35.00
R6: $35.01 - $50.00
R7: over $50.
Here is a link to Stuart's ec rarity page: http://www.liss.olm.net/ec/rarities
BU: Brilliant Uncirculated (or Bright Uncirculated)
- AC: Adam J. Cool
- AG: Alice Goodman
- AH:
- AM:
- AR: Angelo A. Rosato
- AV:
- AZ: Anita Zell
- BCS: Bruce C. Sumner
- BE:
- BG: Bronislaus (Brownie) A. Gill
- BJ: Bill Jackson
- BR: Banyas Barnesyarde - Brad Ream
- BS: Bert Samsa
- BX: James Brown and Myron Xenos
- C: Cliff Roth
- CO-7: James Bond
- C-7: Cee Ceven (Betty Kirby and Rudy Skarita)
- CAW:
- CBW: C.B. Weatherly
- CC:
- CEW: Cecil E. Walls
- CH: Bud Hicks
- CK: Carol Kilcoyne
- CL: Charles Lorati
- CM: C. Gus Meccarello
- CM/CMI: Copper Memories
- CMJ:
- CMH:
- CMR: Chester M. Rogers
- CS:
- CW: Carl Webster
- CW : Claude Waite
- DA##: Don Adams Specialty Company
- DAW: Don A. Wilkinson
- DC: Danny B. Crabb
- DD: Dottie Dow
- DE:
- DESCO: David E. Stoicheff
- DJ: D. Jakebovits
- DMH:
- DBS/DS: Donald E. Sabo
- DR: Don Roth
- DS: David Spellman
- DT: Dave True
- DW: Don Wendt
- e: eurolink
- EA#: Elmer Anderson
- ECHO: W. W. Miller
- ED: Ed McClung
- EG: Ewell Gunter
- EH: Errick Hermann
- EW: Ed Weaton
- FB: Frank Brazzell
- FGS:
- FS: Frank Spandone
- G: Eric H. Goodwin
- GFB:
- GA:
- GAE:
- GK: George E. Kesterson
- GM: Gus Meccarello
- GPB: Gary & Phyllis Bible
- GW: George Wanzug
- GWE:
- HCS: Harold C. Schmal
- HDA: H. D. Alien
- HG: Horace Grant
- HHT: Harry H.Taylor
- HOE/HE: House of Elongateds
- HLB:
- HM: Houston Marshall
- HWB: Henry W. Blaha
- IG:
- JB: James Hanna Brown
- JD: Jim Dundon
- JF: Joe Franklin
- JGS/JS: John G. Spadone
- JH: Joseph Hotter
- JJ:
- JK: James Kilcoyne
- JK: Jess Kirby
- JLB:
- JM: Jack Meccarello
- JR: Jerry Rathburn
- JR: Jack Rosenblath
- JS:
- JW: Jack Wilcox
- K: C. C. Kemp
- KH: Banyas Barnesyarde - Kay Harpold
- KH: Kay Harpold
- KMCS: Karen San Gregory
- L: Lord's Prayer Engravers (Charles Lorati)
- LB: Lenard Babin
- LCS: L. C. Summer
- LCS: Lido Coin Shop
- LE: Lodestar Entertainment (now the Penny Collector)
- LEM: Lee Martin
- LH: Lurene Haines (from the 2001 TEC membership nickel)
- LH: Lurenc Haincs
- LHT/LT: Len H. Trump
- LS:
- LW: Lloyd Wagaman
- MFT:
- MH: Millard Hajek
- MLBP: Major League Baseball Players
- MLH:
- MM: M & M Elongates
- MM: Mary Eggleston
- MP: Michael Pcnder
- MT: Marie F. Trinny
- MTC:
- MW: Mark Wright
- NRM: Norm & Ruth MacQuithy
- NS: Nick Salimbene
- OLY: Bob Olson, Illionois
- PB: Paul Brenner
- PC: Paul Case
- PC: Penny Collector (formerly Lodestar)
- PE: Jim Dundon, Paradise Engraving
- PJ: P. Janic
- PLB: Pearl L. Buoker
- PPC:
- PM: PennyMachines.com
- PP:
- PS:
- PW:
- R:
- RB: Rodney W. Baker
- RCK:
- REB: Robert E. Buoker
- RHB:
- RHJ: Robert H. jacobs
- RJ/RJJ: Ralph Jones
- RL: Ray Loutzenhiser
- RR: Rocky Rockholt
- RR: Ronald Readon
- RS: Robert & Shirley Stafford
- RS: Russ Sears
- RTL: Ray T. Leveille
- RW: Ray Wagner, Jr.
- RWC:
- RWD: Ray W. Dillard
- RWJ: Ralph W. Jobe
- RWL/L: Robert W. Luchtman
: Rob Morris
- SAK: Sally & Al Kirka
- SB: Steve Beecher
- SG: She! Green
- SP: Smashing Pennies (Katrina and Zac Gowen)
- SPI:
- SPM: Smashed Penny Museum
- TAK:
- TDT: Tyler Tyson
- TG: Tom Gerhardt
- TMC:
- TPP: Carl Webster, The Penny Pincher
- TR: Tom Russo
- TW: Tom Wiebe
- TY: Bert Creighton
- VCS:
- VF: Vance Fowler
- WDA: Wayne D. Ashford
- WDW:
- WG: William Gardner
- WJH: William T. Helmerick
- WLP:
- WLS:
- WM: William C. Massey (from Luck "e" Penny)
- WR: William Rogers
- WSA: Whitney, Spero & Alien
Clubs about Elongated Coins
Please click here for a list of EC clubs.
Additonal EC articles are listed in the forum
I would like to thank Angelo A. Rosato for all his help to make this list possible.
All books below are available. For price quotes and information, please send
an email to Angelo Rosato (Angrospub@aol.com) or write to:
Angros Publishers
70 Grove Street
New Milford, CT 06776
There is another ec book list done by Chris Aahz: http://www.angelfire.com/ca/elongates/literature.html
Books sorted by the years of publication. It may take some time to load up all the pictures of the book covers.
Booklet: A Thought for Your Pennies
Author: Charlotte M. Childs
Date Published: 1937
Size: 5.5in x 8.5in, 12 pages including the cover.
A brief story of bronze and copper coins of the United States.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Reprint, July 1994 by Angros Publisherss - New Milford, CT
Booklet: Elongated Rolled Out Cents - Illustrated Check List, Volume I
Author: Lenard L. Babin, illustrated by John E. Snitzel
Date Published: 1961
Size: 5.5in x 8.5in, 16 pages including the cover.
An illustrated descriptive catalogue with numbers of all rolled out cents and their varieties owned by Lenard Babin.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Reprint, June 1996 by Angros Publisherss - New Milford, CT
Book: The Elongated Collector
Author: Dottie Dow
Date Published: 1965 by Imperial Litho - Phoenix, AZ
Size: 8.75in x 5.75in, 209 pages
Chris Aahz stated, "The book that created a hobby! The publication of this work was the motivating factor behind the growth and acceptance of elongated coin collecting". This is an excellent book containing descriptive and illustrated information of all possible elongated coins made at that time.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Orginal (out of print)
This is an excellent book. I would like to thank Jim Case for helping me obtaining this book.
Booklet: A Tribute to John F. Kennedy in Elongated United States Half Dollars
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1968 by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 4.13in x 6.25in, 32 pages including the cover
An illustrated list of 20 elongated half-dollars, each with an image of the president John F. Kennedy and a famous quote from his famous speeches. These coins were designed and engraved by Angelo Rosato.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (out of print)
Booklet: The Elongated Coins
Author: Lloyd E. Wagaman, illustrated by James R. Davisson, photographed by Richard G. Mulfinder
Date Published: 1973 by Dr. Quick Print, cover printed by Screen Print Corp., both in Indianapolis, IN
Size: 5.25in x 8.25in, 44 pages
An illustrated catalog of elongated coins and Philatelic Numismatic Covers (PNCs) issued by Lloyd Wagaman through 1973.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Soft cover (out of print)
Hard cover
I would like to thank Donald Sabo for helping me obtaining this book.
Booklet: Elongated Coins
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1974 by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 5.5in x 8.5in, 16 pages including the cover.
A reference price catalog listing all elongateds produced by Angelo A. Rosato in the years 1967 through 1973.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (out of print - collector's item)
Book: Today's Elongateds
Author: Lee Martin
Date Published: 1974
Size: 8.5in x 11in
An illustrated catalog of all coins made by 20-30 rollers of the 60's and 70's along with biographical information on each.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Loose leaf pages: 83 printed (out of print - collector's item)
Hard cover: 100 printed (out of print - collector's item)
Booklet: Supplement to the Elongated Coins
Author: Lloyd E. Wagaman
Date Published: 1975
Size: 5.13in x 8in, 7 pages
An illustrated supplement to the 1973 The Elongated Coins listing an additional 41 elongates plus 32 progressive rolls, issued by Lloyd Wagaman between 1973 and 1975.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (out of print)
Booklet: The Unlisted Directory
Author: Robert Callander and Lloyd E. Wagaman
Date Published: 1976
Size: 5.10in x 8.5in, 8 pages
According to Chris Aahz, the information containing in the booklet originally published as a twelve article series in TEC News between January 1972 and August 1975. It was then compiled and published by Lloyd Wagaman in 1976. The booklet lists detailed descriptions of 125 coins not listed in the 1965 The Elongated Collector. The descriptions follow the same methodology used by Dottie Dow.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Reprint, June 1996 by Angros Publisherss - New Milford, CT
Book: Yesterday's Elongateds
Author: Lee Martin and Dottie Dow
Date Published: 1981
Size: 8.75in x 11.25in, 298 pages
Lee Martin's revision of the 1965 The Elongated Collector. An illustrated of elongated coins issued prior to 1965 with photographs and complete descriptions. A 'rarity' number between 1 and 5 assigned to each coin based on the authors' knowledge of the coins available within the hobby.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original, soft cover
Original, hard cover
I bought this book on ebay with a very good deal. Recommended!!!
Book: Yesterday's Elongateds, 2nd Edition
Author: Lee Martin and Dottie Dow
Date Published:
Size: 293 pages of photos and detailed descriptions
Available at TEC
Booklet: The Rolled Coins
Author: Chester M. Rogers
Date Published: 1987
Size: 5.5in x 8.5in, 18 pages
Illustrations of the 127 elongates issued by Chester Rogers through September 1996 but not containing titles and descriptions
Available at Angros Publishers:
Orginal (collector's item)
Booklet: The Rolled Coins
Author: Chester M. Rogers, revised and printed by Don A. Wilkinson
Date Published: 1989
Size: 8.5in x 11in, 34 pages + 6 pages containing other information such as letters and club info.
An illustrated catalog of Chester Rogers's elongated coins revised and updated by Don Wilkinson. Some written descriptions are included in the catalog.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Book: Encyclopedia of the Mondern Elongated
A Complete and Authentic Description of Modern Elongated Coins 1960-1978
This volume is the most comprehensive and important book even published on the subject of elongated coins. The author had spent 22 years in the writing and encompassed every facet reference to elongated coins. The book is illustrated and contains descriptions of over 4000 specimens. This is a completed historical text about elongated coins.
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1991, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11.25in, 1760 pages
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (library hard cover edition)
Thanks to Angelo Rosato for helping me obtaining this excellent must-have book. Recommended!!!
Booklet: Rerolls - Restrikes
Supplement to Encyclopedia of the Modern Elongated
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1992, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 7in x 10.10in, 30 pages
"A completed annotation and illustrated listing of known steel rolling dies capable of reproducing duplicate renditions of elongated coins depicting early events or image designs originally produced prior to the year 1940; and some, before 1960," written by Angelo Rosato.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Booklet: Evaluating Elongated Coins
Complement to Encyclopedia of the Modern Elongated
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1992, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 7in x 8.5in, 12 pages
"Half new commentary on the valuation system presented in The Encyclopedia of the Modern Elongated, half reprinting of the same tables and examples, this booklet is an attempt to clarify use of the system. It does this (succesfully) by presenting a simple seven step Optional Evaluation Process," written by Chris Aahz.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Booklet: The Elongated Coin Collectors Guide to "Unlisteds"
Author: Doug Fairbanks, Sr.
Date Published: 1994
Size: 8.5in x 11in, 44 pages
A list of 94 additional elongates not previously listed in either Yesterday's Elongateds or the 1987 Guide to Unlisteds by the same author (for a total of 296 entries).
Available at Angros Publishers:
Booklet: The Rolled Coins
Author: Chester M. Rogers, revised by Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1996, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 7in x 8.50in, 36 pages including cover
A new format layout version from the orginal catalog by Rogers and the revision by Wilkinson. The catalog is illustrated with line drawings of elongated coins.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Booklet: Elongated Coin Productions
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1996, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 7in x 8.5in
A listing of elongated coins designed, engraved and rolled by Angelo Rosato.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Revised, updated edition
Booklet: Elongated Coins - Alphabetical Index
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1996, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 5in x 6.5in
Index is for the above booklet Elongated Coin Productions. The index alone would be useless without the above booklet. The booklet contains elongated coins rolled and issued by Angelo Rosato, covering the years 1967 - 1995
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (alphabetical index)
Book: Frank Brazzell's Catalog
Author: Frank Brazzell
Date Published: 1996, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11in, 304 pages
A listing of elongated coins originally recorded and illustrated by Frank Brazzell. They represent his engravings and productions made from 1981 through 1996 for roller/producers, special sponsors, individual persons, and for himself. In 1996, with permission, the original page sheets were revised and assembled by Angelo A. Rosato into a loose-leaf book format.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (loose leaf)
Booklet: House of Elongated Steel Die Rolls
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1996, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11in, 43 pages
A cross reference of HOE Steel Rolling Dies.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (loose leaf)
Book: Cross Reference Directory of Elongated Codes
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1998, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11in
A Complete Cross Reference Of Codes Ascribed in the Encyclopedia Of The Modern Elongated and Yesterday's Elongateds.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (a new code reference listing)
Book: Supplement to Encyclopedia of the Modern Elongated
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 1998, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11in
A Complete and Authentic Description of Modern Elongated Coins 1978 - 1995, including elongated entries of coins made after the printing of the 1991 Encyclopedia of the Modern Elongated from the previously mentioned rollers/producers in the book.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Thanks to Angelo Rosato for helping me obtaining this book.
Booklet: Dillards Elongated Coins
Author: Angelo A. Rosato
Date Published: 2001, by Angros Publishers - New Milford, CT
Size: 8.5in x 11in
An illustrated listing of Ray Dillard's Elongated Coins 1982 - 2000. Ray Dillard is also a producer/roller.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original (R. Dillard's productions 1982-2000)
Book: Elongated Coins of Maryland
Author: Joe Burford
Date Published: 2001, sponsored and published by Maryland Token & Medal Society
Size: 8.5in x 11in, 100 pages
An illustrated listing of Joe Burford's Elongated Coins.
Available at Angros Publishers:
Original, spiral binding
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